11/4/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 7 - Where am I going?

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:48)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
What stood out to you in reading our Class Bible Reading Challenge? John chapter 3
This week we will look at the question: Where am I going? The purpose of this lesson is to convey the truth about what happens after death, sometimes called the "four last things": death, judgement, heaven, and hell.
Opening Song: Hello, My Name is by Matthew West (3:49)

Bible Reading: Romans 6:23

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #1021 & 1022 (YouCat - Question #152)

Chosen Opening Prayer

Chosen - Lesson 7 - Where am I going? (A Look at the Four Last Things
Dive In: The Way of the Bow
Today, we're going to look at what the end goal of life is, how to stay focused on it in a healthy way, and how that end goal impacts us in the here and now.
Video: Seg. 1 - Where am I going? (15:09)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2 - Heaven and Hell (9:56)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3 - Purgatory (5:09)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
Not everyone goes through life with a heart valve problem like Chris Padgett.  Everyone is going to die at some point in time, possibly without any warning.  In Chris's case it may likely be sooner than others. Chris does not share his story to encourage you to live in fear, but the opposite...to encourage you to live with the freedom that comes from knowing you're right with God and with the knowledge that he loves you more than you can image.  So, live your live in a way that will allow you to have no regrets in your relationships with others and no regrets when you finally see your Father in heaven.  That's a life lived to the full, every day! 
Hero of the Week - St. Sebastian
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • This week, pray for the release of souls from Purgatory. Copy this powerful prayer and offer it on behalf of those who have died.  If you've recently lost someone dear to you, remember that person in particular.
"Eternal Father, I offer you the most precious blood of your divine son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, for those in my own home and within my family.  Amen." (Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great)
  • Go to Confession this week. Invite your family or friends to go with you. Plan something fun to do afterward to celebrate your fresh start. Write about it.
  • Just say it! Is there someone with whom you need to be reconciled, someone who needs your apology or forgiveness?  What are you waiting for?  Talk to them or write them a letter if that would be easier.  Write about your experience.
Taking It Home - Wrap-Up
Jesus was very clear that hell is a real state and that it is a real possibility for one's eternal destiny. Although God wants everyone in heaven, he will not force himself on anyone. He gave us free will so we could choose freely to live in eternal union with him.
At the end of our lives, we will experience the particular judgement of God, and we will know how our actions and life compared to what he made us to be. This judgement will determine how we spend eternity, either with God in heaven or separated from him in hell..
Purgatory is a state of preparation and purification for those who die in the state of grace but are not yet ready for heaven due to remaining imperfections in their souls.

Closing Song: Starry Night by Chris August (3:33)

Closing Prayer


Bonus Link: Is Purgatory in the Bible? from Catholic Answer (6:48)


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