9/30/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 3 - What's your story God?

Bible Reading: John 3:16

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #1849 - 1850

Chosen Opening Prayer

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:48)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
This week we will learn about Salvation History.  We begin by addressing the question, "How could a good God allow so much suffering and evil?". We explore the goodness of God's creation, how sin and evil entered the world, and God's redemptive plan (the "plot" of salvation history), which centered on the person and work of Christ and the establishment of the Church.
Chosen - Lesson 3 - What's your story God? (A Look at Salvation History) 
Dive In: A Confusing Story
Without God, life has no beginning, no end, and no meaning.  With God, He brings a large overarching story that the creation of the universe, the events of human history, and the story of your life fit within.  That story offers us a deep sense of meaning and purpose.
Video: Seg. 1- What’s your story God? (9:30)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2- Jesus’ Divine Rescue Mission (7:20)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3- A Kingdom on Earth (9:16)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
If you want to get to know someone (instead of just "about" someone), you have to spend time with that person. And the best way to get to know the author of our salvation story is to spend time with him, talking with him, and learning to listen to him as you read that story together. 
Hero of the Week - St. Francis de Sales
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Make a cheerful sacrifice. Volunteer to do a sibling's chores for a day, help a neighbor with yard work, make a meal for your family, or babysit for free. Then write about what you did.
  • Create or find symbols of the Holy Trinity.  Explain the symbolism to someone in you family and write about you experience.
  • Choose a saint to research, and jot down three interesting facts about his or her life to share with your class at the next class.
Taking It Home

Closing Prayer


9/23/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 2 - What makes me happy?

Bible Reading: John 1:38-39

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #27 - 28

Chosen Opening Prayer

Welcome & Introduction
How did you do with last week's challenges?
This week we will be considering and finding that everything we need in life is ultimately found in God.  Happiness, love, peace, purpose, and security are all qualities that are found in the lives of those who live according to the "master plan".
Chosen - Lesson 2 - What makes me happy? (Discovering God as the Source) 
Dive In: The Price of Fame
One way to be more happy is to focus less on ourselves and our own little world and look to serve others around us.  Fame causes people to focus on themselves. This song below speaks to truth of the happiness we can get from serving others.
Song: Matthew West - My Own Little World (4:16)
Video: Seg. 1- What makes me happy? (4:08)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Full Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2- Is there something more? (4:47)
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3- Are we on our own? (3:47)
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
Be open to God's calling.  God works through the people around you and the situations you find yourself in to call you.  Be alert to those callings.  The song below includes a story about a young woman and her calling to help poor children.
Song: Matthew West - Do Something (6:49)
Hero of the Week - St. Anthony the Great (Anthony of Egypt)
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Inspired music: Come to class next week with a song or image that highlights a musician or other artist's quest for God. Write about the song.
  • Start a powerful new habit! Turn off all media for five minutes a day and relax in a quiet place.  Ask God to help you to be open to his voice in your life.  Write a little about what happened during that time.
  • Speak or write a sincere message of encouragement to someone you know who is sick or who is sad, worried, or upset about something. Say a prayer for his or her intentions. Is there something practical you can do to help this person this week?
Taking It Home
God created the whole world out of love for us, and created us to reveal his image and likeness to the world.  We are called to unselfish love-to live in a way that reminds those we encounter of the amazing, unlimited love of God.  That is how we become fully human-fully alive!  The the contrary, living for ourselves only leads to emptiness.
Our closing song below shares a story of a young man that has every reason to be mad at God. but he did not go there.  He lets his light and his love for God shine so those around him know the source of his happiness. 
Song: Matthew West - Wonderfully Made  (6:23)
Closing Prayer


9/16/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 1 - Why am I here?

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:1-11

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #1814 - 1816

Class Opening Prayer

Thank You for making the CHOICE to attend tonight.  Hopefully you will see from tonight's class that this will be different than any of your previous CCD Classes.

Leaders introduce themselves: Name, Parent of, Favorite Place to Visit

Students introduce themselves:  Name & Favorite Place to Visit

What did you think about the Veggie Tales video?

We grow and mature physically; God also calls us to grow spiritually. 

We are all on spiritual growth journey that began at our Baptism and does not end until we die. Some of you were confirmed last year and the rest of you will be confirmed next year. Just as confirmation is a major milestone in your spiritual growth, Middle School is a major milestone in your physical growth and maturity. 

This is why you do not react to the Veggie Tales video now in the same way you did when you were five. You are not the same person you were when you were five. You expect to be treated and talked to differently than you were when you were five. At the same time...parents, teachers, and other friends and family members expect more from you now than they did when you were five. 

That is why we, your leaders, will be expecting more from you in terms of your behavior.  We don't have a lot of rules but we do have a few very important ones: 
1) No phone or electronics use in class unless it is to answer a call from your parents. Your phone may set where you can see it but you are not to be using it unless it is your parents contacting you or we are on break. 
2) We will respect everyone by giving our attention to the leaders and fellow students when they are talking to the group and will not be having private conversations with other classmates. 
3) We will respect others by not making fun of questions or answers that others ask or give.

As long as everyone follows these few important rules we will all have fun while we are studying, learning, and preparing for your confirmation.

Chosen - Lesson 1 - Why am I here?
Chosen Opening Prayer:

Icebreaker - Autograph Chasers

Video: Seg. 1- What are you looking for? (2:32)
  • My Five Personal Goals (What I want Out of Life)
Video: Seg. 2- Beginning the journey (5:02)
  • Group Discussion
  • What struck you from the video?
  •  After the firs segment, you had a chance to write down five personal goals, things most important to you.  What did you write as a personal goal?
  • How would you answer the question, "Why are you here?"
  • What is one big question you hope to get an answer to during this study?
Video: for KING & COUNTRY - The Proof Of Your Love - An Inside Look
Discuss Expectations from this "Chosen" study program
Challenges for the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Take the "What I Want Out of Life" list you wrote in class to the next level. Take one action to bring you a tiny step closer to one of your dreams. Check out a related book, check someone in your chosen field with a question, or do an extra workout or study session.  Write about the action you took.
  • Pray a Hail Mary each night before bed this week, for yourself and your fellow students, asking God to help you be open to what he has in store for you in the time that lies ahead. Put a note on your bedside table to help you remember.
  • Do you know that God speaks to us through the kindness of other people? Think about all those people who help you figure out your life (parents, teachers, coaches, friends, and others), and thank  one of them for something specific before our next class. Do it in person, by mail, or email. Write about your experience.
Chosen Closing Prayer

Other Discussion Items
  • Class Calendar Change

Class Closing Prayer


9/9/2015 - Parent Session

Session Outline
  1. Class Blog Site
    1. MPHMMSCCD.BlogSpot.com
    2. Link to Class Calendar on the right side
    3. Link to "Chosen" program information on the right side
      1. Parent Video available
    4. Link to Gary's Blogon the right side
      1. Parent Resources
      2. Addiction Audio Podcasts
  2. Classroom Expectations
    1. They are in Middle School now so we all expect more from them
    2. Participate in small group and full class discussions
    3. They may bring cell phones but they must stay in their pocket during class
  3. How did we choose the Program
    1. Non-Confirmation Year
    2. 2-Years ago I put sessions together that walked through
      1. God's Existence
      2. Jesus's Existence
      3. The Church established by Jesus with his Authority
      4. The Bible (The Table of Contents created by the Church)
      5. Prayer
    3. I switched to the program we chose because it takes a very similar approach but does it in a much more understandable way than my lessons from 2 years ago.
  4. "Chosen" - Course Introduction
    1. Overview of the Chosen program
      1. 2 Versions 
        1. We are using the non-confirmation version
      2. See http://confirmationstudy.com/about/
    2. Overview for lessons 1 thru 6
      1. See  http://mphmmsccd.blogspot.com/p/chosen-class-topics.html
  5. Play all Videos from Lesson 3 - “What’s your story God?” (A Look at Salvation History)
    1. Seg. 1- What’s your story God? (9:30)
    2. Seg. 2- Jesus’ Divine Rescue Mission (7:20)
    3. Seg. 3- A Kingdom on Earth (9:16)

Welcome - 2015/2016

The 2015 – 2016 Year
is Underway!

See the link on the right side of this page
for Class Calendar for the year.
