Bible Reading: John 1:38-39
Catechism Reading: Paragraph #27 - 28
Chosen Opening Prayer
Welcome & Introduction
Welcome & Introduction
How did you do with last week's challenges?
This week we will be considering and finding that everything we need in life is ultimately found in God. Happiness, love, peace, purpose, and security are all qualities that are found in the lives of those who live according to the "master plan".
Chosen - Lesson 2 - What makes me happy? (Discovering God as the Source)
Dive In: The Price of Fame
One way to be more happy is to focus less on ourselves and our own little world and look to serve others around us. Fame causes people to focus on themselves. This song below speaks to truth of the happiness we can get from serving others.
Song: Matthew West - My Own Little World (4:16)
Video: Seg. 1- What makes me happy? (4:08)
- Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
- Full Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2- Is there something more? (4:47)
- Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 3- Are we on our own? (3:47)
- Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
Be open to God's calling. God works through the people around you and the situations you find yourself in to call you. Be alert to those callings. The song below includes a story about a young woman and her calling to help poor children.
Song: Matthew West - Do Something (6:49)
Hero of the Week - St. Anthony the Great (Anthony of Egypt)
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
- Inspired music: Come to class next week with a song or image that highlights a musician or other artist's quest for God. Write about the song.
- Start a powerful new habit! Turn off all media for five minutes a day and relax in a quiet place. Ask God to help you to be open to his voice in your life. Write a little about what happened during that time.
- Speak or write a sincere message of encouragement to someone you know who is sick or who is sad, worried, or upset about something. Say a prayer for his or her intentions. Is there something practical you can do to help this person this week?
Taking It Home
God created the whole world out of love for us, and created us to reveal his image and likeness to the world. We are called to unselfish love-to live in a way that reminds those we encounter of the amazing, unlimited love of God. That is how we become fully human-fully alive! The the contrary, living for ourselves only leads to emptiness.
Our closing song below shares a story of a young man that has every reason to be mad at God. but he did not go there. He lets his light and his love for God shine so those around him know the source of his happiness.
Song: Matthew West - Wonderfully Made (6:23)
Closing Prayer
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