11/11/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 8 - How do I get there?

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:48)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
What stood out to you in reading our Class Bible Reading Challenge? John chapter 4
This week we will look at the question: How do I get there?  In particular we will be discussing the importance of the sacraments in our own lives...the very sacraments that Jesus established and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispensed to us.
Opening Song: "Middle of Your Heart" by for King and Country (3:21)

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:12-13

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #1210 & 1211 (YouCat - Question #193)

Chosen Opening Prayer

Chosen - Lesson 8 - How do I get there? (The Power and Purpose of the Sacraments
Dive In: The Doldrums
Sail boats need wind, cars need gas, and computers need electricity to function properly. We are like that too. We need an external "power source" to become who we are meant to be and to fulfill our purpose in life.  Grace is that external "power source" we need. Today, we're going to talk about what grace is and how God gives it to us through the sacraments.
Video: Seg. 1 - How do I get there? (8:16)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2 - What is a sacrament? (6:01)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3 - The seven sacraments (9:06)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
Sister Amelia, O.P., stumbled upon the reality that without God coming to us, we truly cannot get to Him.  The sacraments are signs that not only point us where to go, but that bring God directly to us. 
Hero of the Week - St. Therese of Lisieux
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Do something small for God. Read a child a story from the bible. Pick up trash around your school or neighborhood. Do an extra chore. (This one works best if you're just a little "sneaky" so no one else notices!) Write about what you did...and how you felt.
  • Ask God to help you to sincerely forgive someone who has hurt you. Offer something to God as a spiritual gift for this person's well-being (i.e. extra effort at school and chores, your next Eucharist, or avoid sweets for the week). Write about what you did and how you felt.
  • Take advantage of the sacraments! In addition to Sunday Mass, try going to Mass during the week, and take note of the impact this has on your day.  Write about it.
Taking It Home - Wrap-Up
When Adam and Eve sinned, the connection was broken. And just as they hid when God wanted to walk in the garden with them, we often try to hide out brokenness from God and resist his efforts to reach out to us.
Grace brings us closer to God.  Without it we are spiritually died.  Grace makes it possible to live in the heroic, holy way that God calls us to live; to believe, hope, and love in ways that would otherwise not be available to us.
A sacrament is a "sacred sign" that Christ gave to the Church to deliver grace to us, share his divine life with us, and make us holy.

Closing Song: "We are Called"  by David Haas (3:42)

Closing Prayer


Bonus Links: 

"Middle of Your Heart - Live Performance" by for King and Country

"Sacraments: The Instrument of Grace" Podcast from Catholic Answers Live
Fr. Sebastian Walshe discusses sacraments and sacramentality.


11/4/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 7 - Where am I going?

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:48)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
What stood out to you in reading our Class Bible Reading Challenge? John chapter 3
This week we will look at the question: Where am I going? The purpose of this lesson is to convey the truth about what happens after death, sometimes called the "four last things": death, judgement, heaven, and hell.
Opening Song: Hello, My Name is by Matthew West (3:49)

Bible Reading: Romans 6:23

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #1021 & 1022 (YouCat - Question #152)

Chosen Opening Prayer

Chosen - Lesson 7 - Where am I going? (A Look at the Four Last Things
Dive In: The Way of the Bow
Today, we're going to look at what the end goal of life is, how to stay focused on it in a healthy way, and how that end goal impacts us in the here and now.
Video: Seg. 1 - Where am I going? (15:09)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2 - Heaven and Hell (9:56)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3 - Purgatory (5:09)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
Not everyone goes through life with a heart valve problem like Chris Padgett.  Everyone is going to die at some point in time, possibly without any warning.  In Chris's case it may likely be sooner than others. Chris does not share his story to encourage you to live in fear, but the opposite...to encourage you to live with the freedom that comes from knowing you're right with God and with the knowledge that he loves you more than you can image.  So, live your live in a way that will allow you to have no regrets in your relationships with others and no regrets when you finally see your Father in heaven.  That's a life lived to the full, every day! 
Hero of the Week - St. Sebastian
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • This week, pray for the release of souls from Purgatory. Copy this powerful prayer and offer it on behalf of those who have died.  If you've recently lost someone dear to you, remember that person in particular.
"Eternal Father, I offer you the most precious blood of your divine son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, for those in my own home and within my family.  Amen." (Prayer of St. Gertrude the Great)
  • Go to Confession this week. Invite your family or friends to go with you. Plan something fun to do afterward to celebrate your fresh start. Write about it.
  • Just say it! Is there someone with whom you need to be reconciled, someone who needs your apology or forgiveness?  What are you waiting for?  Talk to them or write them a letter if that would be easier.  Write about your experience.
Taking It Home - Wrap-Up
Jesus was very clear that hell is a real state and that it is a real possibility for one's eternal destiny. Although God wants everyone in heaven, he will not force himself on anyone. He gave us free will so we could choose freely to live in eternal union with him.
At the end of our lives, we will experience the particular judgement of God, and we will know how our actions and life compared to what he made us to be. This judgement will determine how we spend eternity, either with God in heaven or separated from him in hell..
Purgatory is a state of preparation and purification for those who die in the state of grace but are not yet ready for heaven due to remaining imperfections in their souls.

Closing Song: Starry Night by Chris August (3:33)

Closing Prayer


Bonus Link: Is Purgatory in the Bible? from Catholic Answer (6:48)


10/28/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 6 - Why be Catholic?

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:49)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
What stood out to you in reading our Class Bible Reading Challenge? John chapter 2
This week we will look at the question: Why be Catholic? You will see that Jesus founded a structured and organized Church with leaders (the apostles/bishops) and a direction ("Make disciples of all nations."). We will also discuss the four marks of the Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
Opening Song: Crave (Scenes from "The Bible Series") by for King & Country (3:41)

Bible Reading: Matthew 16:17-19

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #866 (YouCat - Question #129)

Chosen Opening Prayer

Chosen - Lesson 6 - Why be Catholic? (Discovering the Church Jesus Founded) 
Dive In: A Time Machine
Today, we're going to look at how being part of the Church gives us a front-row seat to God's saving works. And it's far more amazing than time travel...and a whole lot more significant!
Video: Seg. 1 - Why be Catholic? (9:24)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2 - Apostolic & Catholic (4:15)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3 - The Church is Holy (4:03)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
Fr. Tolton understood that what the Catholic Church actually teaches is true, good, and beautiful, despite the hypocrisy of some Church members who do not actually live the faith they profess.  He recognized that personal sin and human weakness are not greater or more powerful than the strength of objective truth found in the Church. 
Hero of the Week - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Ask your parents or another adult to tell you a story about a time they experienced the presence of God in their lives. Maybe they had an answer to prayer or heard a Scripture passage that spoke to them during a difficult time. Write about it.
  • The Catholic Church is so organized that it is unmatched worldwide in reaching out to the poor, the sick and those in need of disaster relief.  Express your Catholic pride by posting a link on social media to a Catholic charity that interests you.  Write about the group you chose.
  • We are all members of the body of Christ, each made for a purpose and all of equal in dignity.  Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you as you read 1 Corinthians 12.  Which part of the "body of Christ" do you think you represent, and why?  Write about it.
Taking It Home - Wrap-Up
Two thousand years ago, Jesus founded a Church with a mission-to bring his presence and message to all generations until the end of time.  That's quite a task! But, for a mission to be successful, it needs an organization behind it.
Jesus is at least as smart as any leader of a large company and the founding fathers of the United States! That's why he didn't just leave us a mission, but a structured Church to ensure that we, his people, would believe and work as one.
Right from the first days of Christianity, the Church has been organized.  Jesus set aside twelve men as apostles to lead the Church.  Those apostles appointed other men to lead the Church in the same capacity as the Church grew. We call these successors "bishops".  This magisterium guides the Church, but with more than man-made authority-with the authority of God.  That authority is necessary for us to remain one, as Jesus prayed we would. He gave us a mission, and we need to be united in carrying it out!

Closing Song: The Motions  by Matthew West (4:04)

Closing Prayer


Bonus Link: Al Kresta in the Afternoon
By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition
Description: In a newly updated, expanded version of his popular testimony, By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition, Mark Shea presents a lively and entertaining look at his conversion to Catholicism from Evangelicalism and his discovery of Christian tradition. As an Evangelical, Shea accepted the principle of "sola scriptura" (Scripture alone) as the basis of faith. Now as a Catholic convert, he skillfully explains how and why Sacred Tradition occupies a central role in Divine Revelation. He joins us today to tell that story.
Segment Guest: Mark Shea - Author, Speaker, Blogger, Apologist


10/21/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 5 - Who is Jesus?

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:48)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
What stood out to you in reading our Class Bible Reading Challenge? John chapter 1
This week we will look at the fundamental question "Who is Jesus?". We also address some basic questions like "Was Jesus Real?" and "Did Jesus really claim to be God?".
Opening Song: I Am by Mark Schultz (4:02)

Bible Reading: Matthew 16:13-16

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #422 - 429 (YouCat - Question #71)

Chosen Opening Prayer

Chosen - Lesson 5 - Who is Jesus? (The Person and Mission of Christ) 
Dive In: Who Do You Think Jesus Is?
Whatever image you have of Jesus. there's no doubt that this man - a man with no worldly wealth or standing - had more of an impact on human history than any other before or since.
Video: Seg. 1 - Who is Jesus? (4:36)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2 - Evidence for Jesus (3:48)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3 - Why did Jesus come to us? (3:44)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
"... I didn't want God to be just someone I prayed to when things got tough or when I needed something.  From that night on, I realized that Jesus Christ was as real to me, here and now, as he was to the apostles who walked with him 2,000 years ago.  He was their Savior and Redeemer, but also their friend...". 
Hero of the Week - St. Teresa of Avila
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Get your family thinking. Next time your family is together, ask, "Who do you think Jesus was? Share with them the three possibilities: liar, lunatic (crazy), or Lord. If you're feeling confident, try it with a friend.  Write about your experience.
  • What do you think Jesus looked like?  Draw a picture, create an image, or describe in words what you think the Lord looked like.  What does this picture say about who Jesus is to you?
  • What's your favorite song about Jesus?  It can be online, in a hymnal, or on a Gospel CD.
Taking It Home

Closing Song: Show Jesus  by Jamie Grace  (3:45)

Closing Prayer


Bonus Link: Jesus: Sent by God? Yes! 
The above link is to a posting on Gary's Blog that highlights four records from Bishop Fulton Sheen where he discusses how we can know that Jesus was a real man who was sent by God.
Bonus Video: Beautiful Day by Jaime Grace


10/7/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 4 - How do I know God is real?

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:44)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
This week we will look at the ways in which God makes himself known to us and how we should respond to what he has revealed.
Opening Song: You Are God Alone by Phillips, Craig & Dean (4:18)

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:24

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #142 - 149 (YouCat - Question #20)

Chosen Opening Prayer

Chosen - Lesson 4 - How do I know God is real? (Understanding Divine Revelation) 
Dive In: A God Who Wants to Be Known
Yes, God wants you to know him! And though he already knows everything about you...he wants you to open your heart and life up to him!
Video: Seg. 1 - How do I know God is Real? (9:22)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2 - Scripture and Tradition (8:27)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3 - Our Response to God (9:03)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
When we acknowledge the beauty of a painting we are acknowledging the painter.  When we acknowledge the beauty of nature around us we are acknowledging the creator that we know to be God. To deny that God is the intelligent designer and creator of the universe is to put faith in random chance. Which is more rational...to believe in an all powerful and loving God that resides outside this universe or in random chance with odds that are higher than the odds of an entire unabridged dictionary being created by an explosion of a print shop that randomly placed letters on paper to create the dictionary. 
Hero of the Week - St. Thomas Aquinas
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Read from one of the Gospels for three minutes every day.  Take two minutes afterward to think about what you read.  Write about your thoughts each time you read.
  • Choose a prayer space at home for a daily conversation with God.  Make sure a Bible is handy for your use along with any images or items (natural or man-made) that help you focus your mind on God. Write about your time with God..
  • Practice your listening skills.  Meet with a close friend or family member. For a full five minutes, listen attentively and ask questions as needed.  Write about something you learned about the person and how it affected your relationship.
Taking It Home

Closing Song: Strangely Dim  by Francesca Battistelli  (3:21)

Closing Prayer


Bonus Link: The Existence of God 
The above link is to a posting on Gary's Blog that highlights a Podcast from Catholic Answers Live where proofs for the existence of God are discussed.


9/30/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 3 - What's your story God?

Bible Reading: John 3:16

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #1849 - 1850

Chosen Opening Prayer

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:48)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
This week we will learn about Salvation History.  We begin by addressing the question, "How could a good God allow so much suffering and evil?". We explore the goodness of God's creation, how sin and evil entered the world, and God's redemptive plan (the "plot" of salvation history), which centered on the person and work of Christ and the establishment of the Church.
Chosen - Lesson 3 - What's your story God? (A Look at Salvation History) 
Dive In: A Confusing Story
Without God, life has no beginning, no end, and no meaning.  With God, He brings a large overarching story that the creation of the universe, the events of human history, and the story of your life fit within.  That story offers us a deep sense of meaning and purpose.
Video: Seg. 1- What’s your story God? (9:30)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2- Jesus’ Divine Rescue Mission (7:20)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3- A Kingdom on Earth (9:16)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
If you want to get to know someone (instead of just "about" someone), you have to spend time with that person. And the best way to get to know the author of our salvation story is to spend time with him, talking with him, and learning to listen to him as you read that story together. 
Hero of the Week - St. Francis de Sales
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Make a cheerful sacrifice. Volunteer to do a sibling's chores for a day, help a neighbor with yard work, make a meal for your family, or babysit for free. Then write about what you did.
  • Create or find symbols of the Holy Trinity.  Explain the symbolism to someone in you family and write about you experience.
  • Choose a saint to research, and jot down three interesting facts about his or her life to share with your class at the next class.
Taking It Home

Closing Prayer


9/23/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 2 - What makes me happy?

Bible Reading: John 1:38-39

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #27 - 28

Chosen Opening Prayer

Welcome & Introduction
How did you do with last week's challenges?
This week we will be considering and finding that everything we need in life is ultimately found in God.  Happiness, love, peace, purpose, and security are all qualities that are found in the lives of those who live according to the "master plan".
Chosen - Lesson 2 - What makes me happy? (Discovering God as the Source) 
Dive In: The Price of Fame
One way to be more happy is to focus less on ourselves and our own little world and look to serve others around us.  Fame causes people to focus on themselves. This song below speaks to truth of the happiness we can get from serving others.
Song: Matthew West - My Own Little World (4:16)
Video: Seg. 1- What makes me happy? (4:08)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Full Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2- Is there something more? (4:47)
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3- Are we on our own? (3:47)
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
Be open to God's calling.  God works through the people around you and the situations you find yourself in to call you.  Be alert to those callings.  The song below includes a story about a young woman and her calling to help poor children.
Song: Matthew West - Do Something (6:49)
Hero of the Week - St. Anthony the Great (Anthony of Egypt)
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Inspired music: Come to class next week with a song or image that highlights a musician or other artist's quest for God. Write about the song.
  • Start a powerful new habit! Turn off all media for five minutes a day and relax in a quiet place.  Ask God to help you to be open to his voice in your life.  Write a little about what happened during that time.
  • Speak or write a sincere message of encouragement to someone you know who is sick or who is sad, worried, or upset about something. Say a prayer for his or her intentions. Is there something practical you can do to help this person this week?
Taking It Home
God created the whole world out of love for us, and created us to reveal his image and likeness to the world.  We are called to unselfish love-to live in a way that reminds those we encounter of the amazing, unlimited love of God.  That is how we become fully human-fully alive!  The the contrary, living for ourselves only leads to emptiness.
Our closing song below shares a story of a young man that has every reason to be mad at God. but he did not go there.  He lets his light and his love for God shine so those around him know the source of his happiness. 
Song: Matthew West - Wonderfully Made  (6:23)
Closing Prayer
