10/28/2015 - Chosen - Lesson 6 - Why be Catholic?

Welcome & Introduction
Video: Review Game (1:49)
 How did you do with last week's challenges?
What stood out to you in reading our Class Bible Reading Challenge? John chapter 2
This week we will look at the question: Why be Catholic? You will see that Jesus founded a structured and organized Church with leaders (the apostles/bishops) and a direction ("Make disciples of all nations."). We will also discuss the four marks of the Church: one, holy, catholic, and apostolic.
Opening Song: Crave (Scenes from "The Bible Series") by for King & Country (3:41)

Bible Reading: Matthew 16:17-19

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #866 (YouCat - Question #129)

Chosen Opening Prayer

Chosen - Lesson 6 - Why be Catholic? (Discovering the Church Jesus Founded) 
Dive In: A Time Machine
Today, we're going to look at how being part of the Church gives us a front-row seat to God's saving works. And it's far more amazing than time travel...and a whole lot more significant!
Video: Seg. 1 - Why be Catholic? (9:24)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions. 
  • Small Group Discussion
Video: Seg. 2 - Apostolic & Catholic (4:15)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion 
Video: Seg. 3 - The Church is Holy (4:03)
  • Answer the "Watch It!" questions.
  • Small Group Discussion
To The Heart
Fr. Tolton understood that what the Catholic Church actually teaches is true, good, and beautiful, despite the hypocrisy of some Church members who do not actually live the faith they profess.  He recognized that personal sin and human weakness are not greater or more powerful than the strength of objective truth found in the Church. 
Hero of the Week - St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
Challenges of the Week (Complete at Least One)
  • Ask your parents or another adult to tell you a story about a time they experienced the presence of God in their lives. Maybe they had an answer to prayer or heard a Scripture passage that spoke to them during a difficult time. Write about it.
  • The Catholic Church is so organized that it is unmatched worldwide in reaching out to the poor, the sick and those in need of disaster relief.  Express your Catholic pride by posting a link on social media to a Catholic charity that interests you.  Write about the group you chose.
  • We are all members of the body of Christ, each made for a purpose and all of equal in dignity.  Ask the Holy Spirit to be with you as you read 1 Corinthians 12.  Which part of the "body of Christ" do you think you represent, and why?  Write about it.
Taking It Home - Wrap-Up
Two thousand years ago, Jesus founded a Church with a mission-to bring his presence and message to all generations until the end of time.  That's quite a task! But, for a mission to be successful, it needs an organization behind it.
Jesus is at least as smart as any leader of a large company and the founding fathers of the United States! That's why he didn't just leave us a mission, but a structured Church to ensure that we, his people, would believe and work as one.
Right from the first days of Christianity, the Church has been organized.  Jesus set aside twelve men as apostles to lead the Church.  Those apostles appointed other men to lead the Church in the same capacity as the Church grew. We call these successors "bishops".  This magisterium guides the Church, but with more than man-made authority-with the authority of God.  That authority is necessary for us to remain one, as Jesus prayed we would. He gave us a mission, and we need to be united in carrying it out!

Closing Song: The Motions  by Matthew West (4:04)

Closing Prayer


Bonus Link: Al Kresta in the Afternoon
By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition
Description: In a newly updated, expanded version of his popular testimony, By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition, Mark Shea presents a lively and entertaining look at his conversion to Catholicism from Evangelicalism and his discovery of Christian tradition. As an Evangelical, Shea accepted the principle of "sola scriptura" (Scripture alone) as the basis of faith. Now as a Catholic convert, he skillfully explains how and why Sacred Tradition occupies a central role in Divine Revelation. He joins us today to tell that story.
Segment Guest: Mark Shea - Author, Speaker, Blogger, Apologist


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