10/23/2018 - Parent Note about Prayer Challenge

Hello Parents, Family Members, and Sponsors,

Our class on Wednesday, 10/24, will be learning about prayer.  Along with teaching Why Pray? there are videos that teach the kids a process for praying and why it is important to set aside a regular time every day to pray.

At the end of the lesson there is a challenge to set aside a particular time every day for 30 days to pray using the new prayer process that is taught in the lesson videos.  The purpose for this is to begin to build a habit of regular prayer.

The primary reason for this short note is to encourage you as parents, family members, and sponsors to also accept the 30 day prayer challenge and to use the same prayer process that is taught in class.  What better way to support your child in developing a stronger prayer life than for them to see you using the same prayer process on a daily basis.

Every class has six videos.  I would encourage you to watch all of the videos but if you are short on time, watching the videos titled "Introduction - Silence", "4.3 - The Prayer Process", and "4.4 - The Best Way to Learn" will prepare you for accepting the 30 day prayer challenge.

Thank You for Considering Participation in this Challenge!


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