9/26/2018 - Words of Encouragement

 Getting to the Point - how what we talk about relates to our lives:
We took the last two weeks to cover Session 1 from our Decision Point book and the primary objectives were:
  • To remind the students that they make hundreds of choices every day and that every choice has consequences.
  • To help the students become better decision makers.
  • To demonstrate that God's way and the way of the world are very different, and invite them to choose to walk with God.
In video 1.1 - Your Choices Matter, Matthew told the story of a young man that felt he was a victim of one BAD choice that resulted in him going to prison. But Matthew pointed out it was not one BAD decision, it was a series of escalating BAD choices.
Some of you may or may not know about the troubles my oldest son, Eric, has gotten himself into.  Over the last four years Eric has been in and out of county jail a couple times, been through 3 drug rehab centers (was kicked out of the 3rd one), and is currently in prison.  All of Eric's troubles have come around his drug addiction.  I shared Eric's story with your kids during the class on 9/19 because I believe it is one thing to hear a story about "escalating bad choices" in a video and it is another to hear about a real life example from your teacher that illustrates the consequences of "escalating bad choices".  I also tell the story so kids hear one more time why they must stay away from drugs and never say yes even once just to "Try" it.
Telling Eric's story was all I had planned share in that class about Eric. But, God had other plans so there was more…
Eric calls us nearly every night from prison and I had been reminding him for the last couple weeks that I would not be available to take his call on Wednesday nights because of teaching CCD. But, every week since CCD started he has forgotten, has called during class, and I had to ignore the call. So, given I was telling Eric's story the thought came to me of…what should I do if Eric calls again during the class I am sharing his story. Should I answer the call and without any warning try to convince him to talk to the kids personally about why they need to stay away from drugs or just ignore the call again.
Unfortunately I have said this before but Eric does appear to have a good attitude and is preparing himself to make good choices when he is released.  So, I decided if he called I would answer the phone even though I was not sure how I would handle the call if it came and count on the Holy Spirit for guidance.  Well, the call did come and it came at the perfect time.  It was at the end of class while the final video was playing so I was able to easily slip out of class, answer the call, and try to convince Eric to talk to the kids. At first he was reluctant because he said he did not know what to say to them.  I suggested telling them to "Just Say No" so they do not end up in the same place he is.  He was still reluctant because he said "that was lame". But the song was close to ending and I needed to get back in class so he said he would.
I asked the kids to gather around and I let them know Eric was on the phone and he had something to say to them. I was expecting to hear him tell them to "Just Say No"; however, that was not what he told them.  He told them they needed to make their own decisions and NOT make decisions just to fit in.  Otherwise, they could end up in prison like he is.  I could not believe what I was hearing.  It was as if Eric had been in class with us all evening and was summarizing what we had been discussing.  I truly believe God's hand was all over what happened with Eric's call that evening and it will benefit Eric as much as I hope it benefitted your kids.
I hope your kids talked to you about this story and Eric's call on your ride home from class on 9/19.  If not, ask them about it at dinner tonight.

Parent Point – A little piece of information relating to adult living:
As parents one of the things we find ourselves doing as our children are growing is educating ourselves on something that is affecting them.  I never dreamed one of those things my wife and I would have to be learning about would be how to deal with a child with a drug addiction.  We have attended many parent support group sessions, read articles, and listened to podcasts and the link below is to a page on my personal Blog Site that contains links to a series of podcasts I found very helpful.  They indicate in this podcast series that one in three Americans will either deal directly with substance or alcohol abuse or have a family member or friend deal with it in their lifetime. So, the odds are you or someone you know either has or will deal with an addiction.
 My wife, Patti, and I are willing to share are experience privately with anyone who is struggling with drug addiction in their family or in a group session with any or all of you. Let me know if you would like me to arrange a time when Patti and I could meet with the group of you and share our experiences and lessons learned.  We definitely do not have all of the answers but hopefully some of the lessons learned we can share will help you avoid the degree to which we have had to deal with this problem.

Resource Point – Support for what is said above and where to learn more:
The theme for our opening Bible and Catechism reading has been around Gods great plans for us. There are links below to these readings. 

9/19 - Bible Reading: 1Corinthians 2:9
9/19 - Catechism link: Paragraph1026 & 1027
9/26 - Bible Reading: John10:10-15
9/26 - Catechism link: Paragraph#1

Prayer Point – A small prayer we did in class or we think applies:
Prayer for the Addicted

God of mercy, we bless you in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who ministered to all who come to Him. Give your strength to (name of the one I am praying for), who is bound by the chains of addiction. Enfold him/her in your love and restore him/her to freedom through your grace.

Lord, look with compassion on all those who have lost their health and have broken relationships because of their attachment to the object of their addiction. Restore to them the assurance of your unfailing mercy, and strengthen them in the work of recovery. To those who care for them, grant patient understanding and a love that perseveres.

Lord, in your servant, Venerable Matt Talbot you have given us a wonderful example of triumph over addiction, of devotion to duty, and of lifelong reverence of the Holy Sacrament. May his life of prayer and penance give (name of the one I am praying for) courage to take up his/her cross and follow in the footsteps of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Father, we ask this through Christ our Lord.


Challenge Point – What can we add to help us become better Catholic Christians:
The virtue in focus for Session 1 was Patience.  Let's challenge ourselves and our kids this week to look for opportunities we can use to grow in patience.

News Point – What’s up for CCD in the upcoming weeks:
  • If you have not turned in your registration paperwork, please do so soon.
  • Reminder to install the Decision Point App on your mobile device or visit the Decision Point Website to watch the videos in Session 2 before next week's class.  This will allow you to ask them about something that caught your attention in the videos.
  • To find the Mobile App search for: "Decision Point - Catholic App"
  • Use the following link to go to the Decision Point Website for Session #2: https://dynamiccatholic.com/confirmation/program-view/session-2/


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