Planning for Fall Service Projects
Primary Goal:
For the students to plan the details related to the class fall service projects..
Lesson Plan:
Introduce Topic:
Bible Reading: Luke 21:1 - 4
Catechism: Paragraph 1932
Opening Song: Do Something by Matthew West
Opening Prayer:
God, there have been times in the past when we said to You, "Why don't you do something?". We then closed our ears to your response of: "That is why I created you!". It is easier for us to say someone else will do it. In our previous classes we have talked about how we are Your hands and feet. God, help us to learn to look to ourselves for the solutions to the problems we see because it is NOT ENOUGH TO DO NOTHING. If it is not us then who will do it. Help us to see that it is TIME FOR US TO DO SOMETHING.
In our opening song we are called to "Do Something". However, sometimes we don't because we feel like "We are too shy.", "We are too weak.", "We don't speak very well.", "We don't fit in.", or "We are not good enough.". God made us all for a higher purpose and it is up to each of us, with the help of the Holy Spirit, family, and friends to find that higher purpose. The song in this weeks "BLOG Bonus Links" reminds us that no matter how different we feel we are or what limitations we feel we have, God has "Wonderfully Made" us for a higher purpose to serve others.
As you work through planning for your service projects remember that everyone on the team is unique and brings something special to the group. So, be open to all suggestions from all members of the team and do not dismiss them just because it is different than your idea. Try to find a way to incorporate as many of the suggestions as you can.
What are the goals for the service projects?
Stay focused on the project goals.Group Discussion:
Make plans for the Fall Service projects.
Make sure everyone on the team has something to do that contributes to the success of the project.
Discuss Group work:
Open Q&A:
Summarize what was discussed in this class
Closing Song: My Own Little World by Matthew West
Closing Prayer:
BLOG Bonus Links
Wonderfully Made by Matthew West
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