The Divinity of Jesus
Primary Goal:
For the students to confidently know Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah and the revelation of God become man.
Secondary Goals:
- Understand the four tasks of the Messiah and how Jesus fulfills them, according to the Old and New Testaments.
Gathering the Tribes of Israel
Cleansing the Temple of God
Dealing with the Enemies of Israel
Reigning as Lord of the Nations
Lesson Plan:
Introduce Topic:
Bible reading: Matthew 16:13 - 17
Catechism: Paragraph 464
Opening Prayer:
Watch and discuss Episode 1 - "Amazed and Afraid: The Revelation of God Become Man" from the Catholicism Series.Develop an Action Plan:
- How can we demonstrate in our private actions, our belief that Jesus is Lord?
- How can we demonstrate in our public actions, our belief that Jesus is Lord?
Open Q&A
Summarize what was discussed in this class
Closing Song: Strangely Dim by Francesca Battistelli
Closing Prayer
BLOG Bonus Links
Jesus: Sent by God? Yes
The link above is to a post on the "RechargeYourLight" Blog Spot authored by Gary Lauderbaugh. The links in this post are to audio recordings from a Series called "Life is Worth Living" by of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. The series was popular in the 50's but the leasons taught in these records are timeless.