9-25-2013: Jesus Calls Us to Act Justly

Jesus Calls Us to Act Justly

Primary Goal:
To recognize that being Catholic requires us to think communally and globally.

Secondary Goals:
  1. Create a list of possible service projects that the students can select from to plan and act on during the year.
  2. Gather class discussion topics the students would like to learn more about during the year.
  3. Gather list of potential special speakers they would like to hear from during the year

Lesson Plan:

Introduce Topic:

Bible reading: Luke 16:19 - 31

Catechism: Paragraph 2443 - 2444

Opening Prayer:

Opening Song:  "Show Jesus" by Jamie Grace


Review and discuss the "Visions" booklet for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In this weeks Bible reading Jesus tells us a story that is not hard to understand.  A rich man has meals that are feasts with lots of leftovers.  A beggar sits at the rich man's gate.  But the rich man never notices him.  The rich man never does the simple act of sharing his leftovers. 
Jesus challenges us who eat at his table at each Eucharist to share ourselves and our riches.  The gospel story doesn't ask us to take on the whole world but rather to notice people in need who are near us...like the beggar at the rich man's gate. 
Group Discussion:

Discuss and come up with answers to the following questions:
  1. What needs do you notice among people around you?
  2. Make a list of at least three possible ideas for service projects the class could plan and act on during the year.

Discuss Group work:

Develop an Action Plan:
  1. Select and agree as a class on two ideas for service projects?

Open Q&A
If time permits we can discuss questions or topics you would like to discuss in class.

Summarize what was discussed in this class

Closing Song: "If We are the Body" by Casting Crowns

Closing Prayer

BLOG Bonus Links

Catholic Relief Services Website

"Show Jesus" live loop/acousticish video by Jamie Grace

Jamie Grace - The Significance of Music in the Movement of Christianity

"Beautiful Day" (Lyric Video) by Jamie Grace


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