10-2-2013: The Existence of God

Our Faith in the Existence of God

Primary Goal:
For the students to grow in their confidence in the existence of the creator God.

Secondary Goals:
  1. To be aware of some of the short comings of arguments used to try and explain the existence of the universe without God's creating power.
  2. Be aware of how to explain the age of the universe according to science vs the age according to the genealogy of the bible in Genesis.
  3. Begin to help build confidence in the students that they can listen to someone talk about an advanced topic such as this and walk away with some new knowledge and understanding.  Even if it is only a few simple pieces of new knowledge and understanding it is a step toward an adult understanding.

Lesson Plan:

Introduce Topic:

Bible reading: Genesis 1:1

Catechism: Paragraph 31

Opening Prayer:

Opening Song:  Your My God by Jaci Velasquez


Audio Link: Catholic Answers Live - The Existence of God

Note: This topic can get a little deep at times. Don't give up...hang in there.  We will be working through this recording slowly and discussing the topics listed below in the index for this recording to gain a high-level awareness of the topics.
Index for Recording 
01:15 to 9:04 - The partial truths that many use to try to disprove the existence of God.
09:05 to 12:59 - Something cannot come from Nothing. (First Cause)
13:00 to 14:20 - The extreme odds that the universe could get to where it is today if it were left to random chance.
17:00 to 26:00 - Expanding universes (which we are in) must have a beginning. 
29:10 to 31:40 - Who made God? Father Spitzer does a GREAT job of answering this question for a young boy who called into the show. We can all learn from this answer.
33:45 to 39:15 - More examples of the extreme odds against our universe being what it is if left to chance.
45:20 to 49:45 - The age of the universe according to science vs the age according to the genealogy of the bible.

Group Discussion:

Discuss and come up with answers to the following questions:
  1. In our discussion we heard about several advanced topics that can help us to know with more certainty that God exists. There are many things in our lives everyday that can also contribute to our certainty.  Make a list of five things in your lives that help you be more certain that God exists.
  2. Come up with two responses you could give a friend who does not believe in God?

Discuss Group work:

Develop an Action Plan:
  1. In our Catechism reading we heard that one who seeks God discovers certain ways of coming to know Him.  What are ways we can "seek God" so we can come to know God with more certainty?

Open Q&A

Summarize what was discussed in this class

Closing Song: You Are God Alone by Phillips, Craig & Dean

Closing Prayer

BLOG Bonus Links

Video: "Turn Around" by Matt Maher

Peter Kreeft - Catholic Convert and Professor of Philosophy at Boston College
The link above is to a post on the "RechargeYourLight" Blog Spot authored by Gary Lauderbaugh.  Peter Kreeft's material can get a little deep at times but don't let that stop you from checking out this post.  There are several very good and informative links on this post and a couple of them deal directly with the existence of God.
 Kresta in the Afternoon - 5/18/2012 - 1st Hour - "Hawking, Chopra and God"
                   (From 32:00 to 44:00 in the above recording.)
With the incredible popularity of recent books championing agnosticism or atheism, many people might never know that such books almost completely ignore the considerable evidence for theism uncovered in both physics and philosophy over the past four decades. Al talks with Fr. Robert Spitzer about Stephen Hawking, Deepak Chopra and God.


9-25-2013: Jesus Calls Us to Act Justly

Jesus Calls Us to Act Justly

Primary Goal:
To recognize that being Catholic requires us to think communally and globally.

Secondary Goals:
  1. Create a list of possible service projects that the students can select from to plan and act on during the year.
  2. Gather class discussion topics the students would like to learn more about during the year.
  3. Gather list of potential special speakers they would like to hear from during the year

Lesson Plan:

Introduce Topic:

Bible reading: Luke 16:19 - 31

Catechism: Paragraph 2443 - 2444

Opening Prayer:

Opening Song:  "Show Jesus" by Jamie Grace


Review and discuss the "Visions" booklet for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In this weeks Bible reading Jesus tells us a story that is not hard to understand.  A rich man has meals that are feasts with lots of leftovers.  A beggar sits at the rich man's gate.  But the rich man never notices him.  The rich man never does the simple act of sharing his leftovers. 
Jesus challenges us who eat at his table at each Eucharist to share ourselves and our riches.  The gospel story doesn't ask us to take on the whole world but rather to notice people in need who are near us...like the beggar at the rich man's gate. 
Group Discussion:

Discuss and come up with answers to the following questions:
  1. What needs do you notice among people around you?
  2. Make a list of at least three possible ideas for service projects the class could plan and act on during the year.

Discuss Group work:

Develop an Action Plan:
  1. Select and agree as a class on two ideas for service projects?

Open Q&A
If time permits we can discuss questions or topics you would like to discuss in class.

Summarize what was discussed in this class

Closing Song: "If We are the Body" by Casting Crowns

Closing Prayer

BLOG Bonus Links

Catholic Relief Services Website

"Show Jesus" live loop/acousticish video by Jamie Grace

Jamie Grace - The Significance of Music in the Movement of Christianity

"Beautiful Day" (Lyric Video) by Jamie Grace


9-18-2013: Growing in Faith

Are you the same person today you were when you were 5?

Primary Goal:
To see that just like you must grow physically to become an adult you need to grow in your Christian faith and knowledge to become the complete person God wants you to be.

Secondary Goals:
  1. Get the kids to speak up: answering questions and discussing issues
  2. Set the tone for the year. Make the kids feel comfortable.

Lesson Plan:

Introduce Topic:

Bible reading: 2 Peter 1:1 - 11

Catechism: Paragraph 1814 - 1816

Opening Prayer:

Opening Song: VeggieTales Link - Gated Community

  • How did you like the opening song?
  • What did you like least about the opening song?
  • How did the opening song make you feel?
  • Play a modern Christian song with the same message as the VeggieTales song but targeted to an older audience. - Casting Crowns - If We are the Body
  • Did you like this song?
  • How did it make you feel?
  • What is the difference between these two songs?
  • You are not the same person you were when you were 5. You expect to be treated and talked to differently than you were when you were 5. At the same time...parents, teachers, and other friends and family members expect more from you as you get older. God also expects more from you as you get older.
Group Work:

Discuss and come up with answers to the following questions:
  1. Three things your parents expect from you now that they did not expect when you were 5.
  2. Three things your teachers expect from you now that your kindergarten teacher did not expect.
  3. Three things the Church expects from you now that it did not expect when you were 5.
  4. Three things God expects from you now that he did not expect when you were 5.

Discuss Group Work:

Develop an Action Plan:
  1. How do we ensure we continue to grow in our faith and understanding of God?
  2. How do we ensure we are where God expects us to be in our level of faith and understanding?
  3. How can we use goals with a plan to keep us on track in our life and our faith?

Open Q&A:

Share Year of Faith - Life Teen Video
Summarize what was discussed in this class

Special Activities for the Upcoming Year:
  • Name the BLOG Site
  • Special Guest Speakers - How they have grown in their faith & understanding of God and how they put their faith into action.
  • Service Projects

Closing Song: "The Proof of Your Love" by for KING & COUNTRY

Closing Prayer:

BLOG Bonus Links

"The Proof of Your Love" - An inside look at the song and the video.

"Busted Heart (Hold On To Me)" by for KING & COUNTRY
