Bible Reading:
- Luke 2:8-14
- 2 Peter 2:4
- Mark 1:21-26
- Hebrews 9:27
- 1 John 5:17
- 1 Corinthians 3:13-15
- Matthew 24:35-36
Catechism Reading: Paragraph #1033
Opening Prayer:
Review, Link & Introduce:
Last week we discussed how we are called and chosen by God, but because we have free will we have are responsible for how we respond to that call. We are not puppets on the end of strings that God controls. We must freely choose to follow him. We also discussed how the sacrament of Confirmation is not the end of something, but the beginning of an incredible new phase in your faith journey.
This week we are being introduced to Angels & Demons and the "Last Things", Death, & Judgment.
Class Stewardship Project:
Organize and Plan Projects:
- Catholic Answers - 20 Answers - Angels & Demons
- #1 - What are angels?
- #4 - What is the angels' relationship with us?
- #6 - What are demons?
- #7 - What powers do demons have?
- #9 - How do demons attack people?
- #10 - How does a person become possessed?
- #13 - Do demons ever possess places or things?
- #17 - Is there any connection between demons and witchcraft, Ouija boards, and psychics?
- Catholic Answers - 20 Answers - Death & Judgment
- #1 -What is Death?
- #2 - How do we know there is an afterlife?
- #3 - Is reincarnation possible?
- #4 - What is the particular judgment?
- #5 - What is purgatory?
- #9 - Should we pray to saints in heaven?
- #11 - What does the Catholic Church teach about the end times?
- #12 - What do other Christians believe about the end times?
- #13 - What is the general judgment?
- #14 - What is Hell?
- #15 - Is the doctrine of hell unjust?
- Next Week(2/22)
- Ash Wednesday Service (7:00 - 8:00)
- Class Service Project Planning (8:00 - 8:15)
- Bible Challenge:
- Continue to read two chapters from Matthew every week. We are reading Chapters 17 & 18 this coming week.
Closing Prayer: