11/30/2016 - Prayer - Parent Session

Bible Reading: Mark 1:35

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #2744 


As we just read in the Catechism, prayer is a necessity.  It is what keeps us close to God when we need Him the most like when there is suffering in our life.  I would like to share part of a video with you where Collin Raye mentions the suffering of his granddaughter.

In the Bonus Video below you can learn the source of Collin's strong foundation in his faith that allowed him to maintain his faith in God and write the following song about his granddaughter.

In this parent session I want to highlight the Decision Point session we will be covering next week with your kids. As I mentioned in the first parent session, as parents you are the primary teachers and I want to use the videos from this session to equip you to help your children build a strong prayer life. We will learn how we benefit from prayer by helping us better answer the following questions: Who are you? What are you here for? What matters Most? and What matters Least?  It is knowing the answers to these questions that will prepare us, as it did Collin, for whatever comes our way in life.

Decision PointSession 4 - The Prayer Process   
                                          (Student Workbook Link)

Video: Introduction - Silence (3:46)

Video: 4.1 - Why Pray?  (4:24)

Video: 4.2 - The Big Question  (5:46)

Video: 4.3 - The Prayer Process  (5:16)

Video: 4.4 - The Best Way to Learn  (10:22)

Video: 4.5 - Decision Point  (3:03)

Other Class Updates
  • Class Service Project Update
  • Sponsor Names
Open Q&A

Closing Song: Collin Raye - I Get What I Need  (3:23)

Closing Prayer

Bonus Links
  • Video: The Journey Home - 6-11-12 - Collin Raye
    • This is a good interview where Collin shares his faith background. I like this interview because you will see the strong foundation of his faith that allowed him to persevere through the health problems of family members around him including his granddaughter who passed away in 2010.

10/23/2016 - No Class

Enjoy the time spent with friends and family over this Thanksgiving Holiday!

Surprise a friend or family member...do something for them they would not expect you to do!


11/9/2016 - Deeper Dive - Faith & Science and Atheism

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:31-46

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #2443

Opening Prayer:

Review, Link & Introduce:
Last week we discussed many reasons why we can trust that God exists and Jesus came to earth as fully divine and fully human. With that faith in God we must follow God's commandments.  Tonight, by planning your class stewardship projects you are acting upon God's calling for each of you to perform works of mercy.

Class Stewardship Project:
  • Organize and Plan Projects

  • Catholic Answers - 20 Answers - Faith & Science
    • #9 - Hold on a minute. Hasn't science shown that something can indeed come from nothing...
    • #10 - How can you trust the Bible when the book of Genesis contradicts the theory of evolution by saying the world was created in six twenty-four hour days 6,000 years ago?
    • #14 - Why is the Church opposed to stem cell research that could provide medical breakthroughs for millions of people?
  • Catholic Answers - 20 Answers - Atheism
    • #5 - Religious believers don't care about people on earth because they are so focused on heaven.
    • #12 - How can you believe in an all-powerful and all-loving God in the face of so much evil in the world.

Closing Song: If We Are the Body by Casting Crown

Closing Prayer:

Bonus Links:
