10/15/2014 - DP - Session 4 - The Prayer Process

Bible Reading: Mark 1:35

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #2744 

Review, Link & Introduce: 

In the last few weeks we have discussed decision making (how important it is and ways to make better decisions).  Last week I talked to you about how the use of drugs leads to a life of slavery where every decision you make is geared around the next opportunity to use the drug.  We also learned that all of our sins lead us to slavery and away from the freedom that God wants for us.  Fortunately, we also learned last week that through Jesus's life, death and resurrection we can be reconciled and forgiven by God if we are willing to make the biggest decision of our life to follow Jesus. 

This week we will learn what the four most important questions are that we all must answer and how to use the best tool God has given us to answer those questions.  The questions are: Who are you? What are you here for? What matters Most? and What matters Least?  The tool we will learn to use better is: Prayer.

The key to using any good tool is to START using it and then PERSEVERE through the struggles of learning to use the tool and the challenges to turning its use into a habit.

Decision Point - Session 4 - The Prayer Process   
                                          (Student Workbook Link)

Decision Point Opening Prayer:

Decision Point Closing Prayer

Other Discussion Items
  • Service Hours
    • What did you do this week to help someone else?
Open Q&A

Action Items
  • Did you load the Decision Point App on your Phone or iPod Touch?
    • Show how to download the audio portion of the "4.4 - The Best Way to Learn" video to a mobile device so you can pray with this audio any time and any place.
  • Re-watch the videos from session 4
  • Accept the challenge to set aside a time and place to pray everyday for the next 30 days.
    • Use the "4.4 - The Best Way to Learn" video to guide you through that prayer time.
  • To Pray or not to Pray...that is the Decision this week that will help you answer the questions below:
    • Who are you? 
    • What are you here for? 
    • What matters Most? 
    • What matters Least?
  • Parent Session (sponsors also invited) next week - 10/22.
  • Need your sponsor names.

Class Closing Prayer


10/8/2014 - DP - Session 3 - The Jesus Question

Bible Reading: Matthew 9:9

Catechism Reading: Paragraph #2232

Review, Link & Introduce: 

In the first class this year we talked about how you have all matured physically and mentally.  You are not the same person you were when you were 5.  You expect to be treated differently and the people closest to you expect more from you. One thing that is expected of you is to start making a few more decisions on your own. This is why the first two weeks were focused on the importance of the decisions you make and some "Stinking Thinking" that will lead you to decisions that do not help you become the best version of yourself. More and more of the decisions you make will impact who your become as you move through high school and into college.

You are also expected to mature spiritually as well throughout your lifetime. Confirmation is a major milestone on your Christian spiritual growth. To reach that milestone you need to be prepared to answer "YES" in a bigger way than you ever have to the biggest question you will ever be asked to make. "Will you follow Jesus by making him a daily part of your life and doing what He expects of you? Tonight's session will help you see who Jesus is, why following Jesus gives you the best answers to problems that will help you become the best version of yourself, and how the grace you receive from God through Jesus allows you to return to God through reconciliation when you struggle to follow Jesus by not making the best decisions for your life.

Decision Point - Session 3 - The Jesus Question   
                                           (Student Workbook Link)

Decision Point Opening Prayer:

Decision Point Closing Prayer

Other Discussion Items
  • Service Hours
    • What did you do this week to help someone else?
Open Q&A

Action Items
  • Did you load the Decision Point App on your Phone or iPod Touch?
  • Re-watch the videos from session 3
  • Watch the Videos for session 4 that we will be discussing next week
  • Consider your relationship with Jesus this week...
    • Are you allowing Jesus to be part of your life by choosing to follow him and making him part of your life outside CCD class and Mass?
    • Are you thinking about what Jesus wants for you in the simple decisions you make everyday? 
      • Should I spend another 15 minutes texting friends rather than reading a book or the Bible that will help me be a better ME?
      • Should I spend another 15 minutes watching TV or playing video games rather than doing something that will help Mom/Dad, other relative, or a neighbor?

Class Closing Prayer