12/18/2013 - The Church, Part 2

The Church, Part 2

Primary Goal:
For the students to understand how God speaks to us through the Church.

Secondary Goals:
  1. Introduce Other Topics
  2. Talking with God and His Saints
What is the Purpose of Life
What you must do to be Saved
Are You Guaranteed Heaven

Lesson Plan:

Introduce Topic:

Bible reading:  2 Timothy 1: 6 - 14

Catechism: Paragraph 84

Opening Song: I Am by Mark Schultz

Opening Prayer:


Booklet: Pillar of Fire; Pillar of Truth by Catholic Answers
How God Speaks to Us (Page 9 - 13)
Talking with God and His Saints (Page 20 - 21)
What is the Purpose of Life (Page 21 - 26)
The Wave of the Future (Page 26 - 29)
Your Tasks as a Catholic (Page 29 - 30) 
Develop an Action Plan:
  1. How can we put our faith in Christ and the Catholic Church He started to make this Christmas a better Christmas for yourself?
  2. How can we put our faith in Christ and the Catholic Church He started to make this Christmas a better Christmas for other people?

Open Q&A

Summarize what was discussed in this class

Closing Song: This is Christmas by Kutless

Closing Prayer

BLOG Bonus Links

Fingerprints of God by Steven Curtis Chapman


12/11/2013 - The Church, An Introduction

The Church, An Introduction

Primary Goal:
For the students to understand the basic history and structure of the Church.

Secondary Goals:
  1. Learn the Four Marks of the Church.
  2. The Church is One
The Church is Holy
The Church is Catholic
The Church is Apostolic

Lesson Plan:

Introduce Topic:

Bible reading: Matthew 16:15 - 19

Catechism: Paragraph 811

Opening Song: Love Take Me Over by Steven Curtis Chapman

Opening Prayer:

Small Group Activity: Origami Elephant from a Dollar Bill


Booklet: Pillar of Fire; Pillar of Truth by Catholic Answers
An Unbroken History (Page 1 - 3)
Four Marks of the True Church (Page 3 - 7)
The Structure of the Church (Page 7 - 9) 
Develop an Action Plan:
  1. How can a stronger faith in the Church help us to develope a stronger faith in God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit?

Open Q&A

Summarize what was discussed in this class

Closing Song: This Baby by Steven Curtis Chapman

Closing Prayer

BLOG Bonus Links

Al Kresta in the Afternoon
By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition
Description: In a newly updated, expanded version of his popular testimony, By What Authority?: An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition, Mark Shea presents a lively and entertaining look at his conversion to Catholicism from Evangelicalism and his discovery of Christian tradition. As an Evangelical, Shea accepted the principle of "sola scriptura" (Scripture alone) as the basis of faith. Now as a Catholic convert, he skillfully explains how and why Sacred Tradition occupies a central role in Divine Revelation. He joins us today to tell that story.
Segment Guest: Mark Shea - Author, Speaker, Blogger, Apologist
